21 Reasons to Travel Around the World with Kids…From Those Who Have Done It
21 Reasons to Travel Around the World with Kids…From Those Who Have Done It . Informing friends and family members about plans to quit your jobs, sell all your stuff, and travel the world is usually met with quite a bit of skepticism. Eventually, most come around and accept your decision, albeit with questions and hesitation. One overarching comment we received when telling our loved ones about our RTW plans was that it was good that we were “getting it out of our system before starting a family.” We agreed, and that was a major reason for deciding to go at the time we did. We knew what everyone else did. Once we had children, traveling long term wouldn’t be possible. With me having turned 30 and Megan nearing that age, we expected to be the old ones on the road and in the hostels amongst the college kids. Then a funny thing happened. We noticed people older than us. We would come across people in their mid-late 30’s, 40’s, 50’s even. And who is that traipsing around...